
Tree Disputes in California

By: Owen Chen

Updated: September 20, 2023


I am not a lawyer. This article is general information and not legal advice. Consult a qualified legal professional for your specific situation. No liability is assumed for any consequences resulting from using this information.


Trees and vegetation not only contribute to the beauty of California's neighborhoods but also serve as frequent topics for disputes. Here's a breakdown of California Civil Code sections 833 and 834 and related issues.

California's Civil Code:

Section 833 mandates property owners to keep their trees and vegetation from becoming hazards on public roads. Negligence in this duty can lead to liabilities for damages, especially if these trees cause accidents.

Section 834 addresses private property concerns, where a tree's branches or roots invade a neighbor's land. The aggrieved party can trim the intruding parts but must avoid harming the tree and must stick to their property boundary.

Key Points in Neighborly Disputes:

Why is this important?

Amy Harris from State Farm explains, "If your neighbor's tree falls on your property, you're generally responsible." Exceptions arise if the homeowner was neglectful, and the tree was in poor health. Harris advises policyholders to reach out to their agents annually and before contacting tree removal services. She also emphasizes choosing licensed and bonded services.


While Californians have the right to trim encroaching tree parts, maintaining good neighborly relations should always be a priority. When disputes arise, it's always beneficial to understand your legal rights and consult professionals, ensuring mutual respect and understanding.

Additional Resources: